Monday, May 16, 2011

I miss her

so much.


  1. ... ; _ ;

    I don't really know what to say, sir.

    It's okay to feel that emotion though.

    Keep on moving.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well good job, Zero. Nice toseea littLe true emotiOn.

    ThougH I've said many things inthe past, I can adeQuateLy say that no loNGer I hate you. Asa resuLt, I will refRain from being too aNtagonIstic until we acTalLy meet.

    My apoLOgies for previOUs behAviour. Itwas unjuSt notto recOGnize your huMAnity.

    We've lost eVErything. Our humaNity must bethe last victim ofour maDNess.

  5. You know what I miss her too! I think. Well maybe not. Who are we talking about again?


  6. Everything will be okay, you will get through all of this Zerosage. Those of us who still believe in you will always be here to lend a shoulder to lean on, if you need it.

    *hugs him*

    Just hold on, okay? :[ You WILL get through this.

    We all will.

  7. I love how everyone's so quick to forget the people you murdered, ready to take you in a caring embrace.

    I can pity you, and I can understand you. But I think you could work at a little redemption for your misdeeds before you deserve a hug. Rewrite the end to your story, Zero. It doesn't have to be this way.

    I am ashamed at everyone else. You should all know better.

  8. Just because he murdered people doesn't mean he's undeserving of sympathy. You forget that he has no choice of this matter. He may be a murderer but he's not evil. The only evil people are there are those who don't have any regret for their harmful actions.

  9. He may be a bad man now. He may even have a choice in the matter. But that doesn't mean you can just abandon him or hope itself. You simply must believe it will be okay in the end, because it will.

  10. There is ALWAYS a choice. We just don't want to see it, because it might just hurt too much. He has a choice every damn day to do the right thing, and every damn day he walks away from that choice and kills or injures someone else. It's as simple as that. And you can justify it by saying "The only evil people are those that don't have any regrets." But at the end of the day, if they have regrets and keep killing people. There's no excuse.

  11. I just don't want to give up on him...

  12. I imagine the people you murdered had people who miss them, too. How can I pity you after everything you've done?

    Like Amalgation said, it's pretty sad how everyone is forgetting how he's killed a lot of people with no regret just because he misses someone who he may or may not have killed.

  13. @AmalgamationSage: I'm not going to be ashamed of offering sympathy to someone in pain, Sage. Neither will I start picking and choosing who deserves a hug and a kind word, and who deserves to be kicked when they're down; it's not my place. It's also not Zero's place, not Rika's, and not yours.

  14. Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris.

  15. I'm sorry Zerosage. Your pain must be great. I pray that your pain will be eventually eased.

  16. @Amal and Dante

    Oh, I'mnot forGetTing. I've just decIDed nottobeso mean-spiRIted about it. Just becaUSe I think he deSErves todie doesn'T mean I have to toRMent him while he's alive. My prEVious claiMs still stand, there's just no lonGer any maliCIousness behinD them.

  17. I'm not quite sure how two lines has sparked a debate about good and evil and choice and sympathy and stuff. Ultimately I'm going to side with the people giving you a hug.

    I know you miss her, and I'm sorry. For everything.

    I also don't agree with you. What you're doing will never be right no matter what. Of course, you already know that.
